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Rationalist Week 2008

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Norm argues the A-Soc case in our debate with the Christian Union. The CU debate team rebut our arguments. The debate teams. The tent was packed out for the debate. Standing room only.
The Christians attempt to faith heal Norm's eye sight. Moz lays down the facts about evolution. Norm delivers a talk. Chris explains that there is one true god - the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Left to right: Danny, Rosie, Fonze (at the back), Paul. Nicola tries to laugh off claims of the FSM. Nicola tries in vein to refute that the FSM is the one true god. Chris explains why his noodliness has touched him, inappropriately. Chris concludes his debate speech.
Norm answers questions at Ask An Atheist. We got a DJ in on Wednesday afternoon to provide some entertainment. Big thanks to Adam for organising this. Gijsbert explains the problem with agnosticism. Gijsbert lays down the problem with sitting on the fense.
Ben provides us with some musical entertainment. Big thanks to Ben for coming in and playing some tunes for us. Another day, another packed out tent. Liz and George looking devious.

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